
أخر دخول: 13 يوماً

في البداية اود ان اشكرك على رغبتك في التعرف علي و اليك بياناتي
اسمي ابوماهي, ذكر, وعمري 59 عاما , واود ان تعرف ان جنسيتي من مصر, وانا اقيم في دولة مصر, مدينة 6اكتوبر, وعن حالتي الاجتماعية فأنا ارمل, وعن مهنتي فأنا سياحه وفنادق, اما مؤهلي العلمي فهو بكالوريوس

اليك بيانات أخرى عني:

انسان بسيط جدا الحمد لله تم بتر رجلي الشمال تحت الركبه نتيجه حادث مفيش زوجه طيبه وحنينه تحتويني ابتغاء مرضات الله سبحانه الحمد ركبت طرف صناعي وماشي طبيعي جدا وبمارس حياتي بصوره طبيعيه واخدم داخل البيت بموافقه الزوجه وخارج البيت ورومانسي جدا وحنين بفضل من الله سبحانه وتعالي جدا My name is Fathi El-Sherbiny. I have a boy and a girl. They are in their final year of university. I have been a widower for about 10 years. He refused marriage because I was afraid of getting married because I had no problems with my children. They are now about to finish their studies. The boy completes his education in Italy in the political and economic department, and the girl continues his education in languages ​​and translation in the French language department. I have a certificate. I hold an LLB in Law and a Master's degree in Political Economy from the University of Vienna, Austria, but have not worked in either. Since I was in middle school and I was 15 years old, I worked in hotels in the kitchen department until I became a professional in this profession. I studied tourism and hotels in the kitchen department and traveled to European and Gulf countries, and the last European and Asian country was Turkey, thank God. I had an accident that resulted in my left leg being amputated below the knee. Praise be to God, I installed a prosthetic limb and I live my life normally. Is it appropriate for you to be sisters and friends if you don’t mind? Thank you and sorry. I apologize for the inconvenience and the long delay.

معلومات عن النصف الاخر الذي ارغب فيه:

انسانه بسيطه يارب ارسلي زوجه طيبه وحنينه يارب عايز حنينه فقط بصرف النظر عن الشكل او اي شىء اخر ممكن زوجه تتعطفي علي وشكرا انا عايز معنويات فقط يعني حب ورومانسيه


للمراسلة يجب عليك ان تقوم بعملية تسجيل الدخول

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