في البداية اود ان اشكرك على رغبتك في التعرف علي و اليك بياناتي
Maysaa11, انثى, وعمري 40 عاما
, وانا اقيم في دولة الكويت, مدينة santa clara, وعن حالتي الاجتماعية فأنا Ms, وعن مهنتي فأنا specialist, اما مؤهلي العلمي فهو متوسط
Am a lady of peace and understanding ,who is always mindful of other peoples well being, and always make sure that people around me are happy . And also looking for a man that will be able to love and cherish me a lot.
Am looking for a man who is matured enough to understand feelings and look after is wife and also knows the process to which it take to be a very good husband.