
أخر دخول: 3 يوماً

في البداية اود ان اشكرك على رغبتك في التعرف علي و اليك بياناتي
اسمي Ayoubakir, ذكر, وعمري 30 عاما , واود ان تعرف ان جنسيتي من المغرب, وانا اقيم في دولة المغرب, مدينة مراكش, وعن حالتي الاجتماعية فأنا اعزب, وعن مهنتي فأنا تاجير, اما مؤهلي العلمي فهو بكالوريوس

اليك بيانات أخرى عني:

And there should be security from the man who loves his wife, and the man should be intelligent and patient with the woman’s crookedness, to take her hand no matter what, and she must protect herself and her home, no matter who the husband is, because there are women who are traitors, and there are men who do not fear God and have made marriage a joke.

معلومات عن النصف الاخر الذي ارغب فيه:

And there should be security from the man who loves his wife, and the man should be intelligent and patient with the woman’s crookedness, to take her hand no matter what, and she must protect herself and her home, no matter who the husband is, because there are women who are traitors, and there are men who do not fear God and have made marriage a joke.


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