
أخر دخول: 31 يوماً

في البداية اود ان اشكرك على رغبتك في التعرف علي و اليك بياناتي
اسمي cruzlen900, انثى, وعمري 31 عاما , واود ان تعرف ان جنسيتي من ليبيا, وانا اقيم في دولة ليبيا, مدينة cairo, وعن حالتي الاجتماعية فأنا widow, وعن مهنتي فأنا doctor, اما مؤهلي العلمي فهو Master

اليك بيانات أخرى عني:

i am a very simple lady that have love and fear of ALLAH so much and i love children because they are the gift of ALLAH meanwhile i am new in dating which this is my first site and i believe that i will get my dream here a nice gentleman that will love me for who i am and not for what i am someone that i will love and respect for the rest of my life someone that i will call my king to live and die in his arms so MAY ALLAH help me

معلومات عن النصف الاخر الذي ارغب فيه:

i am a very simple lady that have love and fear of ALLAH so much and i love children because they are the gift of ALLAH meanwhile i am new in dating which this is my first site and i believe that i will get my dream here a nice gentleman that will love me for who i am and not for what i am someone that i will love and respect for the rest of my life someone that i will call my king to live and die in his arms so MAY ALLAH help me


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